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Holy Sepulcre´s Church

Holy Sepulcre´s Church

It is located in Curtidores’ street. Its activity as a parish finished in 1881. As a result of that, its furniture is decorating other churches as for example, St. Pedro de la Rúa. It was conceived as a three naves’ church. Only the gospel’s nave is semicircular, according to the late Romanic style (late 12th century).In the 14th century, two pentagonal apses were constructed in Gothic style, trying to give a monumental appearance to the temple. But finally, only the main nave was constructed and the façade of the Gospel´s nave.The main façade is very remarkable and belongs to the first half of the 14th century. It has a Gothic style with a French influence. It is conceived like a great arc of Triumph, with a deep flare. It is flanked by a gallery of little arches which embraces different round lump sculptures. It has an important historiated decoration in its tympanum, about the passion, death and resurrection of Christ. The tympanum is divided in three parts, the first one represents the last supper. In the second part, we can see three scenes of Christ’s Resurrection (the three Marys in the Sepulchre, the descent to hell and the apparition of the resurrected Christ to Mary Magdalene). On the top of them, there is an image of Christ in the cross.
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